What if the only thing we own was this cup?
Our day is full of micro decisions.
Every little choice we have to make pulls at us, claiming a little bit of attention throughout the day. The most successful people streamline these decisions, but their solutions can seem bland.
The same grey shirt every day might work for some, as much as better options come in the form of a wardrobe for others: a core selection of our favourite clothes that allow us to craft outfits we truly love.
Interestingly, what I came to realise is that not having to worry about what to wear in the morning can actually free our mind for more important stuff!
Now imagine expanding that principle to the rest of your world. Imagine the joy of having exactly what we need, and no unnecessary clutter to rustle through. Imagine the mental space we could gain from working only with items that are truly, fully “us”.
This is the goal of essentialism.
But i’m pretty sure you don’t care about essentialism. It’s ok. When I also first heard about it I didn’t really care, it took time to analyze, learn and finally embrace it.
Sure, it would be great to only own a bag full of stuff, free to travel anywhere at the drop of a hat and look great while doing so. But only a few people can afford to own so little.
Streamlining one’s life is rarely a path to success, but often an indicator of it.
Letting go is easy when you know you can always pick up a replacement if necessary.
The rest of us hoard things, emotions, memories, food, people.
We surround ourselves with outgrown clothes and toxic friends, and cling tightly to things and relationships that no longer serve us because, what if they will *someday*?
But that someday never comes.
We slowly grow and are able to afford better for ourselves. We upgrade and shed what’s not needed, gradually joining the ranks of those who can afford to go without.
We can finally starve ourselves without feeling hunger.
Life is beautiful and small, so streamlined and so curated. That’s why it’s also fragile at the same time.
As a result, everything is so essential.
Source of my inspiration: Pamukkale