Working remotely: the new norm for millennials

Remote working is becoming the new norm for millennials and there is a strong demand for it across all industries. It’s becoming necessary for businesses to grant their employees the opportunity to work remotely, without compromising their culture or business model. However it is a common misconception that a business will fragment and loose productivity if it adopts remote working policies.

Technology is the main key to enabling people to work remotely. Cloud-based services can be accessed from anywhere in the world with WiFi or strong cellular connection. The software tools and solutions technology provides are simple, and a lot of them are even free. However, for many, one of the big hurdles to overcome is the fear that remote working is difficult to adopt.

This year along with my high-school friends, who just graduated from university, we launched, a digital agency registered in Congo and specialised in developing mobile Android, IOS and Windows apps as well as websites for businesses. We have adopted a policy of working remotely while using tools that keep us in track with our duties. However, one of the biggest challenges when it comes to people working from home or anywhere around the world, has been to create trust in people actually being as productive or more productive than they would be in the office. Our experience is that this kind of trust doesn’t come by itself, it actually has to be built by everyone in the team. With this approach, we believe that allowing ourselves to work remotely gives us the chance to achieve a better work/life balance.

My View on Working Remotely

As the war for talent, and especially digital talent, is becoming more and more fierce, millennials are more attracted to companies that would give them flexible working hours and remote working facilities. Sometimes working remotely only means you choose to cut commute time and work from your kitchen instead. Other times, it means lowering travel expenses while increasing the days you can spend at home for a long weekend. For a parent it means making it easier to juggle a busy family life and with your career. Offering remote working facilities help evening out the stereotypical gender roles of mothers often being the parent who works part-time in the office and part-time from home. The demand is becoming just as big from both parents working from home (we are called to be parents some days 😉 )

All businesses should aspire to adopt remote working practices to some degree. With thanks to remote hiring and software tools that are now available, remote and flexible working is becoming a big priority for many employees and new talent. The future of work is not done by a desk every day of the week. The future of work is done from where it’s convenient, comfortable, efficient and fun.


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